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Birth Name: Brian Chris Cayden 

Born: September 8, 1984

Residence: Rochester, NY


Ring Name(s):

Chris Cayden 

El Verano

Mr. Liberty



Billed Height: 5'7"

Billed Weight: 205lbs

Billed From: 585 by way of 718

                       Roc City, NY

                       Brooklyn, NY   


Trained By

MVW: Tony Colangelo

ACE: Mo Sexton & Jorge Luis Rivera

BWF: Bronco Internacional

NDIW: Dameon Slugga



Debut: July 2001


Finishing Moves:

"Understatement" (Swinging Vertical Suplex)

"Major Understatement" (Snap Swinging Neckbreaker)

"TOTAL Understatement" (Jumping Rolling Cutter)


Signature Moves:

"D-Train" (Forearm, European Uppercut, Running High Knee to Opponent in Corner)

"I Hate Your Face" (Facebuster or weave through followed by Discus Clothesline)

"Plot Twist" (Hammerlock twisted into short arm clothesline)

"Kumbaya" (Busaiku Knee Kick)

Jumping Downward Spiral

"BCS" (Single Knee Facebuster followed by Gogoplata)

"Die HARD" (Forearm to back of head)

Ascended Cloverleaf


Tag-Team (W/ Rysk):

Double Headbutt to running opponent

D-Train (Running Forearm to opponent in corner, followed by partner running shoulder thrust, finished with step up running high knee)



Tag-Team (W/ Maximo Suave):

Double Running Knees to head

Assisted Snap Swing Neckbreaker

"DeVice" (Gory Special tossed into Downward Spiral)

Reverse Shatter Machine/Assisted Backstabber

Package Piledriver rolled into Understatement Variation




The Defiant One

Mr. Charisma Personified


Entrance Themes:

If You Want Blood by AC/DC

We Will Rock You (Remix) by Queen

CAYDENnation by Malicious Intent

Defiance by Godcloud

Defiant (Want The D) by Godcloud

Princes Of The Universe by Queen

Here Comes Defiance by A'Don Allen

Cayden by INF!

Here We Go (Pacific Rim Remix) by Chris Classic/Little V & mixed by INF! 




MvW Elite Championship,

MvW Heavyweight Championship,

ACE Tag Team Championship,

BWF Light Heavyweight Championship,

UWA Elite Trios Championship,

KDW 1st Dustytaker Invitational Champion,

KDW Heavyweight Champion,

IWF Tag Team Champion (x2),

UPW Tag Team Champion (x6),

KDW Tag Team Champion (Final),

FCWA Tag Team Champion,

UW Internet Champion,

UW Heavyweight Champion,,

UW Ultimate Rumble 2019 winner,

UW Hardcore Champion (x4),

Asylum Tag Team Champion (x2),

NCW Tag Team Champion,

UPW Rochester Rumble 2022 Winner,

NYCW Phoenix Division Champion,

SWA Adrenaline Television Champion,

UPW 2022 Pay Window Invitational Winner,

Asylum Momma Condon Battle Royale Champion,

UPW World Heavyweight Champion,

NCW Dick The Destroyer Battle Royale Winner,

NCW Heavyweight Champion,

SWA Pride Heavyweight Champion,

UPW Legacy Champion,

Asylum Pro Heavyweight Champion,

NCW Silver Lining Champion,

ALL GO NO QUIT Champion,

AIWF World Tag Team Champion




Nomination for ACE Tag Team Of The Year,

Nomination for UPW Comeback of 2016,

Nomination for UPW Tag Team of 2016,

Nomination for UPW Match of The Year 2017,

Nomination for UPW Tag Team of 2017,

Nomination for UPW Tag Team of 2018,

UPW Match of The Year 2018,

Nomination for UPW Tag Team of 2020,

Trainer at Kayfabe Dojo; Flower City Wrestling Academy (UPW)

UW 2nd Triple Crown Champion,

UPW Wrestler of the Year 2023,

Match of the Year 2023

UPW Triple Crown Champion,

NCW Triple Crown Champion


Tag Teams & Stables:

QuietRiot (with Hush Holiday)

Defiance (with Raymond Rysk)

PR Nation (with Maximo Suave, Bam Bam, L-Max The One, D'Andre Garcia, Icon Ace)

Defiance (with Maximo Suave)

*Defiance as a stable (Rysk, & Maximo Suave)

Limited Edition aka Budget Busters (with Hellcat)

Defiant AF (with Da Latin Soldier)

Coalition (Trevor Gauge, Rysk, ME, Diego Lopez)




Promotions: UPW Upstate Professional Wrestling (NY), KDW Kayfabe Dojo Wrestling (NY), FCWA Flower City Wrestling Academy (NY), SWA Suffolk Wrestling Alliance (NY), ACE American Championship Entertainment (NJ), NDIW New Division of Independent Wrestling (NY), ECPW Eastern Championship Professional Wrestling (NY), FSW Fighting Spirit Wrestling (NY), MvW Middle Village Wrestling (NY), SIWA Staten Island Wrestling Association (NY), ESWA Empire State Wrestling Association (NY), NEW New Era Wrestling (NY), FTW Fight The World Wrestling (NY), Evolve (NY), UW Ultimate Wrestling (NY), IWE Independent Wrestling Entertainment (ME), MEW Maine Event Wrestling (ME), BWF Bronx Wrestling Federation (NY), IWF International Wrestling Federation (NY), MAW Maximum Assault Wrestling (OH), UWA Elite (NJ), Xcite (NY), Fringe (Canada), Crossfire (Canada), VPWA Virginia Professional Wrestling Association (VA), Sanctuary (PA), RICW Rhode Island Championship Wrestling (RI), Eclipse Wrestling (PA), NTW Northern Tier Wrestling (NY), STW Southern Tier Wrestling (NY), Victory 1 Wrestling (NY), WXWC4 (PA), Chaos4K9s (Canada), UIW Underground Independent Wrestling (NC), IWA MidSouth (IN), Wild Zero (NY), PCWA Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Alliance (PA), Test of Strength Wrestling (Conn), EPW Elite Pro Wrestling (NY), CZW Combat Zone Wrestling (NJ), NOVA Pro (VA), NEW New Evolution Wrestling (NY), NSWA North Star Wrestling Alliance (Canada), HWE Huron Wrestling Entertainment (Canada), PWMS Pro Wrestling Mid South (TN), RWC Ring Wars Carolina (NC), HPW Honor Pro Wrestling (IN), VCW Victory Championship Wrestling (AL), The SHOW Southern House of Wrestling (SC), ACW Atlantic Championship Wrestling (VT), H2O Wrestling Hardcore Hustle Organization (NJ), APW Asylum Pro Wrestling (PA), Eclipse Wrestling (PA), AON All or Nothing Pro Wrestling (PA), RWF Revolution Wrestling Federation (PA), NCW Nickel City Wrestling (NY), NYCW New York Championship Wrestling (NY), APEX Wrestling (PA), PWX Pro Wrestling Xpress (PA), ICW Immortal Championship Wrestling (NY), Hart Wrestling (Canada), FCPW Full Circle Pro Wrestling (NY), EWF Extreme Wrestling Force (NY), NYWC New York Wrestling Connection (NY), FPW Frontier Pro Wrestling (PA), IAW Intense Action Wrestling (VA), AIWF Allied Independent Wrestling Federations (NC)


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